Ábel Vértesy's Github Page
My Personal Site on Github
Project maintained by vertesy
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About Me

I am Ábel Vértesy, a postdoc in the Knoblich Lab at IMBA - Institute for Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences in Vienna. I did my PhD in Alexander van Oudenaarden’s lab @ the Hubrecht Institute, in Utrecht, The Netherlands. I currently focus on various single-cell projects in brain organoids. During my PhD, I was focusing on data analysis in different single-cell genomics and spatial transcriptomics projects. This is my personal website summarizing some of my science related activities.
My papers are listed on ORCID, on Google Scholar and on Pubmed.
Preprints of my manuscripts are accessible on biorxiv, or accesible on request.
I designed and held two summer courses in the July-Aug/2018 in Accra, at the University of Ghana.
- Single-cell genomics (1 course)
- Exploratory-data-analysis-in-R (2 courses)
During my work I also wrote several R-packages:
- MarkdownReports, an R function library to create scientific figures and reports easily.
- MarkdownHelpers, Helper functions (control and parsing) for
and ggExpres
- ggExpress, create, annotate and export figures with minimal code and effort, using ggplot.
- Stringendo, with string parsing functionalities for generating plotnames, filenames and path.
- ReadWriter, to read and write tabular data with minimal code and effort.
- CodeAndRoll2, a utility function library for R.
- Seurat.utils, various utility functions for single-cell analysis with Seurat v3.
- RoxygenReady to prepare your R function library to be compiled by Roxygen into an R package.
- DatabaseLinke.R, functions for easier lookup of genes & proteins in various databases via your browser.
- DataInCode to store (smaller) data objects in your R code - make your script fully reproducable yet easily sharable.
- Seurat.multicore, multicore and utility functions mostly for Seurat 2, using
/ foreach