Functions to read and write files conveniently. Complements the new CodeAndRoll2. Many functionalities were part of the formerly used CodeAndRoll (v1).
Install directly from GitHub via devtools with one R command:
# install.packages("devtools"); # If you don't have it.
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/ReadWriter")
…then simply load the package:
Alternatively, you simply source it from the web. This way function help will not work, and you will have no local copy of the code on your hard drive.
List of functions
Set First Col to Row Names
Read each line of a file to an element of a vector (read in new-line separated values, no header!).
It is essentially read.table() with file/path parsing.
Read in a file.
Read in a file. default: header defines colnames, no rownames. For rownames give the col nr. with rownames, eg. 1 The header should start with a TAB / First column name should be empty.
Read in a file with excel style data: rownames in col1, headers SHIFTED. The header should start with a TAB / First column name should be empty.
Read in a file with excel style data: rownames in col1, headers SHIFTED. The header should start with a TAB / First column name should be empty.
Space separeted values. Read in a file with excel style data: rownames in col1, headers SHIFTED. The header should start with a TAB / First column name should be empty.
Read in a file with excel style named vectors, names in col1, headers SHIFTED. The header should start with a TAB / First column name should be empty.
Fix NA issue in dataframes imported by the new read.simple.tsv. Set na_rep to NA if you want to keep NA-s
Read multi-sheet excel files. row_namePos = NULL for automatic names Look into:
Write out a matrix-like R-object to a file with as tab separated values (.tsv). Your output filename will be either the variable’s name. The output file will be located in “OutDir” specified by you at the beginning of the script, or under your current working directory. You can pass the PATH and VARIABLE separately (in order), they will be concatenated to the filename.
Write out a vector-like R-object to a file with as newline separated values (.vec). Your output filename will be either the variable’s name. The output file will be located in “OutDir” specified by you at the beginning of the script, or under your current working directory. You can pass the PATH and VARIABLE separately (in order), they will be concatenated to the filename.
Write out a list of matrices/ data frames WITH ROW- AND COLUMN- NAMES to a file with as an Excel (.xslx) file. Your output filename will be either the variable’s name. The output file will be located in “OutDir” specified by you at the beginning of the script, or under your current working directory. You can pass the PATH and VARIABLE separately (in order), they will be concatenated to the filename.
Append an R-object WITHOUT ROWNAMES, to an existing .tsv file of the same number of columns. Your output filename will be either the variable’s name. The output file will be located in “OutDir” specified by you at the beginning of the script, or under your current working directory. You can pass the PATH and VARIABLE separately (in order), they will be concatenated to the filename.