
Type Less, Plot More. Create (scientific) plots with very little code and write (markdown) reports easily from your R scripts

Project maintained by vertesy Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham

DOI status: active


MarkdownReports – Type Less, Plot More.

MarkdownReports does quick, annotated, .pdf/.png exported plotting and compiles an report in markdown from those. MarkdownReports depends on

… and provides functions for

What is MarkdownReports?

MarkdownReports is a set of R functions that allows you to generate precise figures easily, and create clean reports in markdown language about what you just discovered with your analysis script. It helps you to:

  1. Create scientifically accurate figures and save them automatically as vector graphic (.pdf), that you can use from presentation to posters anywhere.
  2. Note down your findings easily in a clear and nicely formatted way, parsed from your variables into english sentences.
    • Link & display your figures automatically inside your report, right there where they are needed.
    • Version your findings, annotating which parameters were used to reach certain results.
    • Share your report with others via email, Github or a personal website.

Why did I make it & why you might like it too?

I do exploratory data analysis as a daily routine, and I have constant interaction with all sorts of people: supervisors, collaborators, colleagues, etc.

I often have to…

  1. Make figures quickly.
  2. …write emails summarising the results (text & figures) of the last few days.
  3. …find results from a couple of month back, with all tiny details (parameters used, etc).
  4. …assemble each step I did that day into a logical story line, that others can understand at first glimpse, e.g.: I observed X; I controlled for Y; Hypothesised explanation A; Falsified it; Came up with explanation B; Tested & proven it…

For all of the above, my solution is MarkdownReports. I think its better than other solutions I found. Many of those like to combine source code with results, and many are too complex to use. Most of people I interact with are not interested in the source code, but are very keen on seeing my results from all possible angles and are asking detailed questions about the analysis.

Make figures quickly

Write a report on the fly

Differences to Rmarkdown:

Where does MarkdownReports stand out?


You can install all of them directly from GitHub via devtools with one R command:

# install.packages("devtools"); # If you don't have it.

# Install dependencies
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/Stringendo", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/CodeAndRoll2", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/ReadWriter", upgrade = F)
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/MarkdownHelpers", upgrade = F)

# Install MarkdownReports
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/Markdownreports", upgrade = F)

…then simply load the package:


Alternatively, you simply source it from the web. This way function help will not work, and you will have no local copy of the code on your hard drive.



If you encounter a bug, something doesn’t work or unclear, please let me know by raising an issue on MarkdownReports – Please check if it has been asked.

Discover 4 Yourself!

Learn about the markdown format

SNP filter and code.png

Function relationships

(of connected functions)

flowchart LR 

  wviostripchart_list(wviostripchart_list) -->
  wvioplot_list(wvioplot_list) -->
  wstripchart_list(wstripchart_list) -->
  wstripchart(wstripchart) -->
  wscatter.fill(wscatter.fill) -->
  wplot(wplot) -->
  wpie(wpie) -->
  wlegend.label(wlegend.label) --> wplot_save_this(wplot_save_this)
  wlegend(wlegend) --> wplot_save_this(wplot_save_this)
  whist_dfCol(whist_dfCol) -->
  whist(whist) -->
  wboxplot(wboxplot) -->
  wbarplot_dfCol(wbarplot_dfCol) -->
  wbarplot(wbarplot) -->
  wLinRegression(wLinRegression) --> superscript_in_plots(superscript_in_plots)
  wLinRegression(wLinRegression) --> wplot_save_this(wplot_save_this)
  wplot_save_this(wplot_save_this) -->
  barplot_label(barplot_label) --> wplot_save_this(wplot_save_this)
subgraph SubGraphOne


created by convert_igraph_to_mermaid()

List of Functions (30)

Updated: 2023/11/27 00:51

Cite it via its Digital Object Identifier (DOI):


Abel Vertesy. (2017, October 17). MarkdownReports: An R function library to create scientific figures and markdown reports easily. (Version v2.9.5). Zenodo.

MarkdownReports is a project of @vertesy.

edit the website