
DEV. Packaged version of CodeAndRoll. A collection of custom R functions. Works with MarkdownReports, SeuratUtils but also as a standalone set of more than 130 productivity tools.


****Package in development****

Packaged version of the core functionalities (vector, matrix and list manipulations; math) of the formerly used CodeAndRoll (v1). A standalone set of more than >130 productivity functions. Used by MarkdownReports, ggExpress, SeuratUtils.

Package Reorganisation Diagram


Install directly from GitHub via devtools with one R command:

# install.packages("devtools"); # If you don't have it.
devtools::install_github(repo = "vertesy/CodeAndRoll2")

…then simply load the package:


Alternatively, you simply source it from the web. This way function help will not work, and you will have no local copy of the code on your hard drive.


List of Functions